Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Superman: The Modern Archetype of a Dragon Slayer

Superman is a fictional character that is widely considered to be an American symbol of justice. Superman was created by American Jerry Siegel and Candian artist Joe Shuster in 1932 for DC Comics, Inc. Superman was Kal-El on the far plant of Krypton. After his birth, he was sent to Earth on a rocket before Krypton’s destruction. Kal-El began his life on Earth as Clark Kent, after his discovery and adoption by a Kansas farmer and his wife. He was raised with strong moral values and maintained a decent life. He grew up in a normal family and tried to live life just like a normal child. However, as he matured, he realized that he was different. He displayed superhuman abilities, which he used to help solve problems within his community. He is often referred as “The Man of Tomorrow” that many people turn to for help. Like Beowulf, Superman gave his life for the greater good, but eventually comes back to life unlike Beowulf.

Superman is the modern archetype of a dragon slayer, the hero who faces death in order to save a threatened community. Superman is a super hero with extraordinary powers that makes him the quintessential of a hero. Superman is able to fly, has super strength, super speed, super vision, and super hearing that enables him to protect his city from villains and evil. He uses his power only for good by preventing evil from rampage in his city and to stop villains from doing bad deeds like Beowulf. Superman lives under a strict moral code that we all dream of living. He helps the poor and defends the weak regardless of their backgrounds similar to Beowulf’s efforts in helping people of another nation against Grendel. Superman commits to the law to become an example to others around him by stepping in to attack and intimidate wife beaters, profiteers, and gangsters, and those with rough edges and loose moral code that we may see in our society today. Superman is the modern day Beowulf who often puts himself at risk for the greater good. He patrols the city each day and is always present to protect citizens in the time of need. No matter how dangerous a situation may become, Superman is always willing to aid, similar to how Beowulf battles against the dangerous Grendel even though Grendel was not threatening his homeland. Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound all in an effort to help the community and acts as its protector, the modern day Beowulf.

A Contemporary Hero

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a hero who faced violence, horror, and even death to save people in danger similar to Beowulf. He may not have been able to slain a beast like Beowulf, but he was able to knock-down the barrier of equal rights changing the lives of all Americans. Dr. King was a clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American civil rights movements. Dr. King fought for equal rights among Blacks and Whites until his last breathe. He was constantly confronted by the challenges that he must face to accomplish his goal of eliminating prejudice and racism from our country. He continued to fighting for his goal regardless of the threats and violence acts he received from those of opposing views. His struggle of eliminating the evils known as racism and prejudice led him to join forces with those of the same views to become a human rights icon. He delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in front of millions of people and became an inspiration to all. Like Beowulf he was not afraid to face challenges as long as he can help those in need. Dr. King dedicated his life to eliminate the evils known as prejudice and racism because he felt that everyone should have an equal opportunity despite being different from one another. The unique characteristics that we find in ourselves are what make us special; therefore, no one should be penalized for being unique.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. symbolizes dedication, righteousness, and equality. His passion to fulfill his vision led him to dedicate his life to the quest of equal rights. He knew that his life was in constant danger due to his strong efforts in the civil right movement, but he still remained strong. Even though his life was ended short, his dedication continues to live through his followers. He confronts the evils that plague our country because he is a symbol of righteous. He became an icon, a beacon of hope for those that were regarded as unworthy by Whites. He appeared during our country’s darkest times to lead people who suffered to a new land, like Moses, a land where being dark skinned was acceptable. His constant efforts for equality between two opposing g races made him into the hero he is considered today. Despite oppositions, his bravery allowed Dr. King to follow his extraordinary vision. It was as if he grew stronger from disapprovals, and his ambition in uniting the two races were the driving force to his actions. Due to his works and determinations, all people regardless of race can now have equal rights, forever changing America.

What am I?

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
Of fir, of Freyja’s tears, of Freijo
In constant continuous circular motion
From the faithful fall of the Fruitful Star
To the smooth sailing of the Silver Star
With two hands, no tongue, I talk to you.

Click clack, click clack I fall
Summon from Ymir’s skull above soaring high
Like the wondrous wails of Mother Nature’s weeps
For your friends’ sweet battle-sweats splatters
As your fearless fellow brothers take his flame-farewelled.