Monday, February 8, 2010

Anglo-Saxon ideal of loyalty and the tragedy of separation or exile

The Anglo-Saxon epic poetry we see today usually embodies the attitudes and ideals of an entire culture. There are many important aspects of life that are valued and weighed highly in different cultures. However, the Anglo-Saxon society places strong emphasis on ethics. They were more concerned with ethics than mysticism such as earthly virtues of bravery, loyalty, generosity, and friendship. An important aspect of life in Anglo-Saxon society is the loyalty between a lord and his retainer. This idea is stresses within “The Seafarer” and “The Wife’s Lament.” The seafarer lost loyalty at a previous time. However, he turned himself to God, who is his new leader that he follows wholeheartedly. Life born in the love of God and the hope of Heaven. Praise the Holy Grace of Him who honored us” (Raffel, 91). “In “The Wife’s Lament,” the wife remains loyal to her husband despite all she went through and the betrayal she received from her husband family. She was mistreated by his family, but yet she remains loyal only to him and wish to be within in exile. “A friendless exile in my sorry plight, my husband’s kinsmen plotted secretly how they might separate us from each other that we might live in wretchness apart most widely in the world; and my heart longed” (Hamer 92). The two poems reveal that even though the Anglo-Saxons may experience betrayal, they still maintain a belief that loyalty is most important. Whether it is loyalty to one’s leader or spouse, it should be kept. Regardless of any betrayal, loyalty should not be forgotten because a legion on a specific person is highly valued in Anglo-Saxon society.

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