Monday, February 8, 2010

Common Themes and Techniques of Anglo-Saxon

The pieces of texts mentioned above can all be connected together. Despite the fact that they are of different genres, there are similarities within the texts. Beowulf is about a life long quest filled with bravery and heroic acts. It contains superhuman life experiences and abilities characters not found in “The Wife’s Lament” and “The Seafarer.” Unlike Beowulf, the two poems did not contain superhuman image, with normal people as characters. However, the characters are embracing a quest in life. Also, the theme of loyalty, to either one’ king or husband, comes up. Also, fate is mentioned in the texts to possibility represent the role of God and his powers. However, in all three texts the attitude towards fate varies. Caedmon’s Hymn incorporated kennings, alliteration, and imagery to its reader ensuring a positive reading just like in Beowulf. The sea is a popular aspect of the texts as if it was to representing the unknown paths that each character must pass filled with dangers and obstacles. In all four texts, the characters embarked on a journey to either help or learn about a lesson. The themes and techniques are all present in Anglo-Saxon works in order to give out a hidden message of respecting the Anglo-Saxon’s way of life and views of ethics. The core values of Anglo-Saxon literature can be seen such as values of loyalty, bravery, and generosity. The overall idea is that the characters are all going on a path pre-made by the wryd, and they must learn to accept it. The outcome of the path whatever it may be will help send a message to the reader that the core values of Anglo-Saxon society must be kept despite of hardship.

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