Sunday, February 7, 2010

Grendel's Mother

Beowulf is first epic recorded since ancient history of an iconic hero. He is a hero from the misty reaches of the British past, a hero who faces violence, horror, and even death to save a people in mortal danger. Beowulf is a loyal, brave, and determined individual with superhuman qualities that make him the archetype of the dragon slayer, the hero who faces death in order to save a threatened community. He engaged in a battle and defeated the terrifying monster, Grendel’s mother, during his heroic life. Grendel mother is one of the three antagonists in the epic Beowulf. She is never given a name, and there are ambiguous descriptions of her within the translations of her over the year. Grendel’s mother and Grendel are described as descendants of Cain. After Beowulf killed Grendel, his mother started to attack Herot in revenge and rage. Unable to just ignore this, Beowulf traveled into her under-water home call Grendel’s Mere with his superhuman characteristics for this place is said to be equivalent to Hell. When Beowulf intrusion was established my Grendel’s mother, she immediately attacks him. They engaged in fierce combat both equivalently a match for each other, but at times Beowulf was almost defeated by her. However, obtaining a magical sword found in her lair he slay her and defeated the family that brought terror to Herot. He celebrated his victory by disfiguring their corpse mainly Grendel and returned to the surface to celebrate the victory.

Grendel’s mother possesses similar characteristics like her son. She is evil, gruesome, and terrifying. She is a monster with unique features that makes her horrible to look at. She possesses some characteristics of humans by being able to walk up-right with a pair of legs and arm. However, her walk is less delicate and soft, but swift and rough. She has bulging eyes, a pair of horns sprouting from fuzzy long black hair, and sharp yellow fangs. Her ears are big and pointy sticking out from her big head filed with slimy substances. Her body is covered with greenish yellow scales that give her the resemblance of an amphibian-like creature. Her scales are hard and smooth as diamonds, but tough enough to withstand hundreds of men’s swords swinging at her. Grendel’s mother had claws with sharp nails that can pierce through the thickest wall. One grab of a man with her claws can squeeze the life out of him instantly. Her voice is rough and deep displaying intensity with every word. She smells of wet sea-water that stench the smell of burning coal and fire. Her odor can be smelled many yards away making people fled in terror with its first detection. She is strong and tough displaying the characteristics of an unbeatable monster. From head to toe she can be classified as part of an ogre family. Grendel’s mother is a force to be reckoned with. She is terrifying and disgusting. A look at her and people are sent running away from ugliness and terror. Similar to her son, she is evil, and her actions depict her intentions from the very start. She may be a monster, but she is no ordinary monster. She is a hundred times more ugly and terrifying that other monster seen before to men. The other descendents of Cain can not compare to her. The definition of ugliness, she possesses the characteristics of a human-like amphibious ogre-like monster. People do not sympathize with her misfortune looks for her evil makes her deserving of such horrible characteristics. A fierce gruesome monster, she comes running at lighting speed to attack her victim by grabbing them without notice and piercing through their raw flesh with her sharp nails. Disfiguring her victims until they no longer can be recognizable with their blood trenching her hands. The indication of danger, men knows it’s their death day when they cross with her.

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